The team
Executive committee

Emilie Balteau
Visual art and political science

Thomas Robert
Camilo Leon- Quijano
Photography and visual research
Conseil scientifique et artistique
Alain Bouldoires, Senior Lecturer in Information and Communication Sciences at the University Michel de Montaigne, Bordeaux 3 (MICA laboratory), Editor-in-chief of the Revue Française des methodes visuelles, France.
Stephen Bouquin, Professor of Sociology, University of Évry Paris-Saclay, publication director of the review Les Mondes du Travail.
Pascal Cesaro, Senior Lecturer in Film Studies, co-responsible for the Cinema and Audiovisual Masters UFR ALLSH - Department of Arts - Aix-Marseille University, researcher at PRiSM - UMR 7061 CNRS, France.
Vinciane Despret, Philosopher, professor at the Free University of Brussels and at the University of Liège.
Jean-Pierre Durand, Emeritus professor of sociology, founder of the sociology department of the Pierre Naville Center at the University of Évry Paris-Saclay, France.
Esther Ferrer, artist, France.
Florent Gaudez, Socio-anthropologist, professor in Sociology at the University of Grenoble Alpes, France.
Douglas Harper, Emeritus Professor of Visual Sociology, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Founder and Past President of the International Visual Sociology Association (IVSA), USA.
Carl Havelange, Professor of history and photographer, ULiège, artistic director of the Trinkhall Museum, Belgium.
Michel Kokoreff, Sociologist, Professor at the University of Paris 8, Deputy Director of Cresppa-GTM, France.
Morena Maria La Barba, Sociologist, founding member of the Visual Sociology Unit of the University of Geneva, Switzerland
Michaël Meyer, Sociologist, founding member of the Revue Française de Méthodes Visuelles and of the Visual Methods WG of the International Association of French Language Sociologists (AISLF), Lausanne, Switzerland.
Christian Olsson, Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Director of REPI (Research and Studies in International Policy), associate editor of the journal Cultures & Conflits.
Catherine Marry, Sociologist, research director (emeritus), CNRS, attached mainly to the "GCR" axis, Gender, race, class of the Maurice Halbwachs Center (CNRS / EHESS / ENS)
Luca Queirolo Palmas, Sociologist, co-founder and director of the Laboratory of Visual Sociology at the University of Genoa, Italy.
Francesca Masoero, curator and independent researcher, cultural programmer at 18 (Marrakech), initiator of the collective transdisciplinary project QANAT
Joyce Sebag, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, Co-Director of the Visual and Film Sociology Axis, Center Pierre Naville, University of Évry Paris-Saclay, France.
Luisa Stagi, Sociologist, co-founder of the Visual Sociology Laboratory of the University of Genoa, Italy.
Daniel Vander Gucht, Professor of Sociology at the Free University of Brussels, Director of the Research Group in Sociology of Art and Culture (GRESAC), Belgium.