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The CIREC workshops are a set of discussion times around the work in progress of our members and the questions they (us) ask. 

Offered once a month at the end of the day, they adopt a short format (1h30, thirty minutes of presentation followed by an hour of discussion).

Each session also has one or two “privileged readers” who will have taken care to familiarize themselves with the work discussed beforehand. The format is intended to be open, welcoming trial and error, obstacles, sometimes dead endss conveyed by the work.


The sessions take place face-to-face and remotely, in Paris (address to come) and by Zoom. 


Please write to us atinfo.cirec@gmail.comto register for sessions and receive the connection link.   

✭ Programme 2025 des ateliers du Cirec ✭ 


en partenariat avec :

La  Fondation de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme,

La MSH Paris-Saclay et

Le Centre d'art 3bisf

✭ Le lundi 20 janvier : autour de la thèse en cours de Noémie Didu (AMU, Nanterre) qui se penche, dans une démarche anthropo-filmique, sur la circulation des personnes entre un monastère khmer dans le sud de la France et deux provinces du Nord-Ouest du Cambodge


✭ Le vendredi 14 février : autour de la série documentaire Intersections dédiée à la recherche-création produite par le CIREC. 


✭ Le vendredi 14 mars : autour de la recherche d'Hélène Tilman, Ici le temps s'arrête, réalisée auprès de ceux et celles qui peuplent l'hôpital spécialisé Vauclaire en Dordogne. 

Sur deux séances, la première à la FMSH, le 14 mars, la seconde au 3bisf (ci-dessous) le 24 avril.

✭ Le jeudi 24 avril : au 3bisf, deuxième séance Hélène Tilman

✭ Le jeudi 22 mai : autour du podcast en cours de réalisation Refaire les lieux de soins. Voix et luttes en psychiatrie (titre temporaire)produit par le CIREC. L'atelier invite les résidents et résidentes de cet espace d'art et d'hospitalité à entendre des voix et à faire entendre la leur s'il et elle le souhaite, puisqu'un dispositif d'enregistrement pour nourrir le podcast sera proposé. 

Pour obtenir plus d'informations et assister aux séances, merci de nous contacter 

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Photographie de repérage de Noemi Didu. 

20 janvier 2025

17h30 - 19h

​FMSH Paris, FORUM 54 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris

from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.


54 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris

Violeta Ramirez , a film anthropologist, conducts surveys on energy sobriety and transition using an ethno-filmic approach. In this workshop, she proposes to question the specific contributions of this methodology combining ethnography (interviews and observations) and the audiovisual tool, with regard to the production of research data and the restitution to various audiences (including that of the respondents).

Here are some questions that will guide the session: What about ethno-filmic methodology and production choices when conducting research as a team? To what extent can we explain and share the different stages of the ethno-filmic approach? Are all fields suitable for this method?


13 décembre 2024 

17h30 - 19h

from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.


54 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris

Violeta Ramirez , a film anthropologist, conducts surveys on energy sobriety and transition using an ethno-filmic approach. In this workshop, she proposes to question the specific contributions of this methodology combining ethnography (interviews and observations) and the audiovisual tool, with regard to the production of research data and the restitution to various audiences (including that of the respondents).

Here are some questions that will guide the session: What about ethno-filmic methodology and production choices when conducting research as a team? To what extent can we explain and share the different stages of the ethno-filmic approach? Are all fields suitable for this method?

Alexandra Tilman will lead the discussion.

✭ Les ateliers du Cirec 2024 ✭ 


✭ Le 22 janvier : autour du projet "Méritocrates" de Thomas Tudoux réalisé en collaboration avec la sociologue Annabelle Allouch. Il présentera le film d'animation "Le mérite c'est moi" (10mn),  fruit d’une résidence de recherche-création à l’ISFEC de Rennes. 


✭ Le 8 mars : autour de l'écriture d'un documentaire de création proposé par Ekat Panyukina, doctorante au Centre Max Weber (univ. Lyon 2) et Laure Sizaire, chercheuse au Laboratoire d'Anthropologie des Mondes Contemporains (LAMC, ULB) et associée au Centre Max Weber.


✭ Le 24 avril : au Mucem autour des travaux et projets de différentes chercheuses et créatrices Maaï Youssef (autrice franco-égyptienne, docteure en science politique de  la recherche), Maria-Elena Buslacchi et Elisa Ullaury (sociologues des arts et de la culture - Mesopolhis), Lila Neutre (artiste et chercheuse en sciences sociales) et Clara Ruby (chercheuse en art du spectacle).

✭ Le 21 juin : autour dernier film de Violeta Ramirez, Transition sous tension. Enquête sur l'ouverture d'une mine de lithium. 

✭ Le 13 décembre : autour du travail de Camille Aymeartiste architecte et docteure en recherche-création, qui explore les notions de paysage et d'anthropocène, notamment dans les activités d'extraction.​


The Cirec Workshops

June 21, 2024

from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.


54 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris

Violeta Ramirez , a film anthropologist, conducts surveys on energy sobriety and transition using an ethno-filmic approach. In this workshop, she proposes to question the specific contributions of this methodology combining ethnography (interviews and observations) and the audiovisual tool, with regard to the production of research data and the restitution to various audiences (including that of the respondents).

Here are some questions that will guide the session: What about ethno-filmic methodology and production choices when conducting research as a team? To what extent can we explain and share the different stages of the ethno-filmic approach? Are all fields suitable for this method?

The workshop will be based on Violeta Ramirez's latest film, Transition Under Tension. An investigation into the opening of a lithium mine.

The Images and Sounds Societies Seminar
gives carte blanche to CIREC

March 28, 2023

from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

at the University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès

House ofthe research

Room E411

The Georgics

by Celine Domangie,artist-researcher and

Charline Collard, teacher-researcher

We'll eat it, that's the least we can do

by Elsa Maury, Director - Visual artist

Chat with 

Pauline Guinard and Jean Estenabez, geographers

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The Images and Sounds Societies Seminar
gives carte blanche to CIREC

March 28, 2023

from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

at the University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès

House ofthe research

Room E411

The Georgics

by Celine Domangie,artist-researcher and

Charline Collard, teacher-researcher

We'll eat it, that's the least we can do

by Elsa Maury, Director - Visual artist

Chat with 

Pauline Guinard and Jean Estenabez, geographers

The Images and Sounds Societies Seminar
gives carte blanche to CIREC

March 28, 2023

from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

at the University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès

House ofthe research

Room E411

The Georgics

by Celine Domangie,artist-researcher and

Charline Collard, teacher-researcher

We'll eat it, that's the least we can do

by Elsa Maury, Director - Visual artist

Chat with 

Pauline Guinard and Jean Estenabez, geographers

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Shared thoughts on writing a creative documentary
proposed by Ekat Panyukina , doctoral student at the Max Weber Center (univ. Lyon 2) and Laure Sizaire , researcher at the Laboratory of Anthropology of Contemporary Worlds (LAMC, ULB) and associated with the Max Weber Center.
Maaï Youssef will be their favorite reader.

The Cirec Workshops

March 8, 2024

from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.


54 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris


Ekat has been living in France for 8 years. She has carried out the migration project of her mother, Irina, who tried for many years to leave Russia through marriage, without success. For several years, Irina has no longer had her eyes turned towards the West and she endorses the patriotic speeches of Russia. The two women are now separated by borders that are not only geographical but also political.



The Cirec Workshops

January 22, 2024

from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.


54 bd Raspail, 7 5006 Paris

Thomas Tudoux will present his project "Méritocrates " produced in collaboration with sociologist Annabelle Allouch. He will present the animated film "Le mérite c'est moi" (10 mins), the result of a research-creation residency at ISFEC in Rennes.

Lila Neutre will be his privileged reader and discussant.

Please contact us to attend the session.

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The Cirec Workshops

June 05, 2023

from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.


Nayra Prieto will present her project Son'Andes .

A sound documentary series set in the Andes mountain range between Colombia and Argentina.

Please contact us to attend the session and obtain the zoom link .


The Cirec Workshops

May 31, 2023

de 17h30 à 19h


54 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris

et en ligne


Emmanuelle Corne présentera son travail de photographique et sonore sur les disparus du Mexique Mexican Ghosts.

Hélène Tilman et Lila Neutre seront ses lectrices privilégiées.

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The Cirec Workshops

May 15, 2023

de 17h30 à 19h


54 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris

et en ligne

Juliette Porte présentera son travail en cours "Des arbres en agriculture, du changement climatique au changement social". Juliette aborde le sujet de l'agroforesterie en sociologie en utilisant des planches où se mêlent bédé et photographie.


Olivier Bories et Damien Roudeau seront ses lecteurs privilégiés et discutants


The Cirec Workshops

March 13, 2023

Mina Saïdi-Sharouz will present with the editor Camilla Cardia, the editing in progress of a 25-minute documentary film in partnership with Passeurs d'Images, based on a film-making workshop with a group of young Afghans in the ADOMA home in Evry.

Émilie Balteau will be his privileged reader and discussant

Please contact us to attend the session.

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invite you. at the first session of the 2023 cycle
Tuesday, January 17 at 5 p.m.

 Sara Le Menestrel anthropologist, research director at the CNRS, member of the Center for North American Studies (EHESS)

Sound writing and ethnography: 

around the seriesExperience the silence


Discussed by Delphine Dhilly, documentary filmmaker and podcast author.

To attend the session

thanks to U.Scontact  

This presentation focuses on a sound documentary series in progress, “Experience the silence” (two episodes produced out of three). This series, based on ethnographic surveys carried out in France and North America, focuses on silent retreats as a ritual framework, a place of training and a driving force for the circulation of mindfulness meditation in the field of care.

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June 10, 2022 
At the Mucem in Marseille 
Application deadline: May 10

The Focus (Alternative Writing Fair in the Social Sciences) is hosting the Cirec research-creation workshop this year. This workshop offers researchers and doctoral students the opportunity to present an ongoing project to discuss with members of Cirec, researchers who practice research-creation.

The proposed projects should draw on both the resources of the social sciences and artistic practices in order to question the social world through the prism of a cross-disciplinary approach in art and social sciences.


invited by FOCUS, the Salon of Alternative Writing in the Social Sciences


invite you to participate in the third session of the 2022/2023 cycle

Face-to-face at the University of Lausanne and remotely by zoom

You canwewrite hereto register for sessions and have access to the speakers' working documents

Monday 14 March at 5 p.m.


with the intervention ofAnne Marcellini, sociologist at the University of Lausanne, specialist in questions of social participation of people with so-called disabilities, in connection with issues linking body, sport, visibility, identities. Today, she is particularly interested in the question of the staging of the body and of differences, by developing research in the sociology of the image. She will tell us about her movie projectcurrently in writing linked to socio-historical research on the archives of Radio Télévision Suisse romande (RTS).

Matthew Dibelius,  Franco-German filmmaker as well asGerald Houdeville, sociologist will be his privileged readers.          _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 


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invite you to participate in the second session of the 2022/2023 cycle

the Tuesday, March 8 at 5:30 p.m.


with the intervention ofDamien Roudeau,designer, author and graphic reporter, around his book project “The hunt for the Rwandan genocidaire. The battle between Alain and Dafroza Gauthier”.  Nicolas Blancelwill be his reader.                 


 © Damien Roudeau

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invite you to participate in the first session of the 2022/2023 cycle

The workshop will start onTuesday, February 8 at 5:30 p.m.


with the intervention ofCeline Segalini,documentary filmmaker and doctor of political science, around his film project "The things of a life" (Exercises in intimate archeology),John Breschandwill be his reader. You will find the state of progress of the film dossier attached.

The other five workshop sessions this year will take place on the following dates:

On 08/03, 5 p.m.:Damien Roudeau with Nicolas Bancel

On 03/14:Anne Marcellini with Matthieu Dibelius

On 04/04:Ralf Marsault

On 09/05:Ael Thery

On 06/06:Mina Saidi Sharouz

Face-to-face (place to come) and remotely

You canwewrite hereto register for sessions and have access to the speakers' working documents

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