Research and creation
Epistemological issues of transdisciplinary knowledge
The role of the Emerging Research-Creation Working Group (GTE 11, AISLF) is to provide an environment conducive to the development of research-creation understood as all the work that is based on the articulation between human sciences and the arts, between socio-anthropological knowledge and artistic expression.
The articulation in question in research-creation is that of “with”, art with science and science with art, what Carl Havelange calls a “research-companion” (Havelange 2014), the difference of a research in creation, by or on art. In this context, the GTE aims to produce a necessary reflection on the methodological and epistemological issues of academic research when it is linked to an artistic practice that is inseparable from it. These issues centrally question creative action in the sciences and the arts and the posture of the artist-researcher, between distance and a sensitive approach, commitment and axiological neutrality.
Research-creation embraces the visual and sound arts in all their diversity and all their variations, from plastic arts to documentary films and photographs, including graphic novels and multimedia works. The
GTE aims to provide a unifying framework for individual and collective initiatives, which are multiplying in this field but which remain relatively dispersed, constituting niches within major artistic and academic institutions. In partnership with research and teaching institutes and places of art and culture, the Working Group will endeavor to promote and develop scientific research that experiments with new writings as well as the work of artists rooted in a research in socio-anthropology (as is the case with the work of certain doctorates carried out at SACRe or within the Belgian doctoral school of Art et sciences de l'art).
The consolidation and development of an international network of researchers and artists will be one of the priorities of the GTE. The organizing committee, working for several years to create links between researchers-artists and institutions, in France, Belgium and Morocco, will be keen to pursue this dimension of international networking through and within AISLF.