The CIREC aims to provide a unifying framework for individual and collective initiatives which are multiplying in the field of research-creation in the social sciences. It works to widely disseminate this type of research and thus to create bridges between science, culture and society.
Conceived as a collective space conducive to exchanges (je crois que ce n’est pas le mot mais je trouve pas mieux) dialogue?, debates and the production of common knowledge, the CIREC intends to develop through the reception je crois vraiment que c’est ça and organization of conferences, seminars, workshops, exhibitions and film screenings.
A research documentary series
behind the scenes of urban agriculture in the development project

Directed by Emilie Balteau as part of a postdoctoral fellowship at the Chaire Aménagement le Grand Paris at the Ecole d'Urbanisme de Paris, under the scientific direction of Taoufik Souami (Univ. Eiffel – LATTS) and Ana Torres (UPEC-Lab'Urba). A second episode is in preparation.
"The developer and the farmer" is a documentary series on urban agriculture in urban development. The first part of this series, "l'Envol" goes behind the scenes of the project to create the Ferme de l'Envol, 70 ha, in the context of the reconversion of Base 217, on the territory of Cœur Essonne Agglomération, 30km south of Paris. The film follows the actors: the developer, the three farmers, the farm workers, the restaurateur, the project manager, the head of the AMAP... All try, in the middle of a 300 ha development project, to organize the farm to meet the challenges of ecological transition, maintaining social ties, and economic balance. We discover the multiple facets of this concrete organization with hands in the earth and fingers on the keyboard.
Descartes City, Welcome Building
14-20 Boulevard Newton Champs-sur-Marne
RER A Noisy-Champs)
CIREC participates in the conference
Precarity and poverty. The issue of access to rights.
Obstacles and levers for action
organized by the Defender of Rights
October 19, 2023
Cirec and the REEL association present three audiovisual productions made by Céline Jung Loriente . Broadcast as an introduction to the conference round tables, these films give a voice to people affected by difficulties in accessing housing, health and social rights.
To see the films or contact us about it, you can send us a message on the contact page

at the Cultures – Arts – Societies Research Center

Organized by Magali Uhl, the study day Creative Methods in Human and Social Sciences will be held on Friday, October 6, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., in the presence of international guests and several members of CELAT. The study day will be preceded, on Thursday, October 5, by a cocktail party and an exhibition. Both activities will take place on the premises of CELAT-UQAM (DC-2300).
Welcome everyone!

The Magdalen Islands archipelago is a Quebec jewel that enjoys an enviable reputation, but it is at the mercy of climate change, which is causing major upheavals in these coastal territories of the North Atlantic.
The Solastalgies créatrices project, led by Magali Uhl, professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Quebec in Montreal ( UQAM ), presents a unique approach to capturing the experience of these transformations, starting from the point of view of the people who experience them daily.
Creative Solastalgias
Marrying art and environment in the Magdalen Islands
Expand your vision
Welcome site visitors with a short, engaging introduction. Double-click here to add your text.

Call for proposals from Magali Uhl
with the Canadian Sociological Society
“Narratives of the Disappearance in Anthropocene/Narratives of the Disappearance in Anthropocene”
Annual meeting of the Federation for the Social Sciences and Humanities of Canada
which will be held virtually from May 16 to 20, 2022
The call for proposals is open until January 31
Communication proposals can be made in French and English.

The research workshop "Images of the margins"
invites you to attend its next session
Thursday, December 16 from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Session title: Disability on French-speaking Swiss Television. Corpus construction and methodological discussions
With Anne Marcellini and Justine Scheidegger
Zoom link:

Autumn days of research-creation on social worlds
theOctober 22 and 23 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Video recordings and films of the days are online

Magali Uhl, co-curator of the exhibition
The UQAM Design Center presents the exhibition TOTAL SCREEN which welcomes for the first time in Canada the photographs of the philosopher Jean Baudrillard, placed in dialogue with the works of Adam Basanta, Charlie Doyon, Clint Enns, Mishka Henner & Vaseem Bhatti, Penelope Umbrico and Xuan Ye. The omnipresence of screens in our societies and our daily lives is questioned in order to reveal the topicality and the critical, even subversive, potential of the philosopher's thought, used and diverted by several generations of artists and designers of the international scene.

International Visual Sociology Association
The IVSA is pleased to administer both the Rieger Award Program for outstanding work by graduate students in visual sociology and a newly
established Prosser Award Program for outstanding work by beginning
scholars in visual methodologies.
Visit the IVSA dedicated page:
Documentary cinema and sociology
Cycle of screenings and debates around the notion of “popular territory” at the Colette de Lisses media library in November 2020.
Design, intervention and carte blanche given to Émilie Balteau ( CIREC )