The work carried out within CIREC deal with the “social present time” and the major current issues in fields as varied as that of health, housing, environment and even education.
Research-creations which study social worlds, focuses on individual singularity, the sensitive and political discourse of individuals, the traces of stories and history left on landscapes, bodies or buildings, daily life, between individual paths and social movements, negotiation, resignation, revolt and inventiveness.
At the same time, CIREC actively participates in the development of international analyzes on the epistemological and methodological issues that research-creation conveys.
The organization of urban agriculture in the context of development
Here time stands still
Hélène Tilman, France, Belgium
In progress /art Installation
Multi-media installation backed by academic research in Art and Art Sciences (ED20, Belgium). Texts, photographs, film and sound creation (produced in collaboration with Alexandra Tilman reproduce in a complex and sensitive way the daily life of a psychiatric hospital located in a rural French area.
Emilie Balteau

© Anouk Sugàr and Magali Uhl
The organization of urban agriculture in the context of development
Here time stands still
Hélène Tilman, France, Belgium
In progress /art Installation
Multi-media installation backed by academic research in Art and Art Sciences (ED20, Belgium). Texts, photographs, film and sound creation (produced in collaboration with Alexandra Tilman reproduce in a complex and sensitive way the daily life of a psychiatric hospital located in a rural French area.
Emilie Balteau

© Lambada (cropped image)
The organization of urban agriculture in the context of development
Emilie Balteau
Research questions the organization of agriculture
in urban projects: it seeks to grasp how, in this context, it is thought of and produced. To what extent does it influence representations and practices, but also the configurations of actors (through which both are expressed)? What issues does agriculture raise in a development context (social, environmental, but also economic, land, legal and regulatory issues), how are they articulated and how are they translated concretely into operations?
The field survey combines interviews and observations with stakeholders (developers, communities and project leaders) of at least four development projects, diverse in their form, objectives, scale and location: Base 217 (Brétigny-sur-Orge), ZAC des Tartres (Plaine Commune), the Docks eco-district (Saint-Ouen) and the La Vallée eco-district (Châtenay-Malabry).
One of the important lines of the program consists in the promotion of research: it will involve reporting the results of the research in the form of a documentary film (or a documentary series, the form remains to be specified depending on the evolution of the research), in order to encourage discussion and debate around the issues raised by urban agriculture in the context of development.

Here time stands still
Hélène Tilman, France, Belgium
In progress /art Installation
Multi-media installation backed by academic research in Art and Art Sciences (ED20, Belgium). Texts, photographs, film and sound creation (produced in collaboration with Alexandra Tilman reproduce in a complex and sensitive way the daily life of a psychiatric hospital located in a rural French area.

Sculpting the Self: The Body as a Device of Resistance, Appearance as a Poetics of Emancipation
Neutral Lila
Research-creation thesis in photography and social sciences
In our contemporary Western societies, the body is a screen on which it is possible to project a manageable and changing identity. Considered as the support of individual singularity, it is the object of possible metamorphoses.
There have always been individuals who express themselves and invent themselves through style. From a simple clothing bias, it can sometimes become the expression of a lifestyle that breaks with the imposed norms of a society. It is this second category of men and women, sometimes adolescents, that this project is about. Individuals with singular forms of life who intend to challenge the norms and scales of values accepted by the dominant fringe of society, opposing for example the distinctions it makes between good and bad taste, between culture from above and culture from below.
What links the practice of New-Burlesque cabaret, Roller Derby, Cosplay, Sape or Voguing? This is what this thesis attempts to highlight in photography and in the field of social sciences.

Hello, good evening
Emilie Balteau
Documentary film/ France/2017/53'
How does urban renewal affect the lives of residents of social housing estates? This documentary film, based on a sociological survey, shows and gives us a sense of the contrasting experiences of residents and their ambivalent relationships with the transformation of their living environment.

Alexandra Tilman
Documentary film/France/2014/38'
Le Havre, a city with a working-class and maritime tradition, is now affected by deindustrialization.
Free parties clandestinely reinvest places abandoned by production.
A research film in visual and film sociology at the Pierre Naville Center, UEVE Paris-Saclay.
Produced with the support of SCAM (draft of a dream) and the Aid for Innovative Research of UEVE.