Olivier BORIES
Lecturer in spatial planning. UMR CNRS 5193 LISST (Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Solidarity, Societies, Territories) Rural Dynamics, ENSFEA (National School of Agricultural Education Training)
Olivier Bories is a socio-geographer and director. He is interested in the landscape as an "aesthetic" figure which inscribes in the country, in mirror, the trace and the values of those who make it. Seeker of emotions to understand and analyze the landscape action of men on their territory, he places film observation at the center of his research practice in socio-geography and cinema. Observation is a journey through the uses of the world, images and sounds, the opportunity for him to enter into observation. With the camera, he organizes this intimate encounter with places and landscape makers in order to understand their intentions. The landscape observation with the film is no longer a simple contemplative crossing but a "communion" with the terrain, a deep exploration of the territory, visual and sound, a total and sensitive experience in which images and sounds teach him to experience. places “to enter, blend in and not remain a visitor” (Illouz, 2001). He defends a committed filmic approach which: “gives time to look so as not to remain on the surface of things. »(Correa, 2020) and which gives a central place to slowness to describe and stop in the smallest details of the country, to be surprised by the innocuous, the unexpected and the unforeseen. Olivier Bories uses film writing and film research (Fontorbes, 2013) to “make the landscape a character” (Bories, 2019) as in “In the shadow of the fields” (2019), a film-research on the agroforestry landscape. He is convinced of a sensitive correspondence between the landscape subject and the film method to fix, record, restore and discuss the results, in a continuity of meaning with the theoretical frameworks that he mobilizes in his work, which are the geography of emotions. and comprehensive sociology (Guinard and Tratnjek, 2016). The sensitive intention is thus deployed throughout its socio-landscape research, until the end of the process, going from the research intention to the written valuation of scientific results. He makes the choice with the images and sounds of a sensitive, committed and creative film writing which defends a share of emotion in scientific and textual writing and does not refrain from artistic incursions. He writes as he films, without denying his moods and his emotions. Without them, according to him, the landscape interpretation would be incomplete, disembodied, dead. His filmic observation allows the landscape to settle in the feelings and emotions to make the landscape and those who draw it on the screen exist.
Olivier Bories teaches a sensitive approach to landscape and film writing at the National School of Agricultural Education and at the University of Toulouse Jean-Jaurès. He is responsible for the Images et Sons Society Seminar. Also co-founder with Anaïs Marshall (Lecturer in Geography, UMR 5193 CNRS LISST DR, UT2J) of the network Toulousain RéSISTe (Réseau Sociétés Images Sons Territoires). And Member of the FReDD scientific committee (Sustainable Development Research Film).
His articles (concerning his film activities)
Bories O., Fontorbes JP., Granié AM., 2021. “Points of view and landscape creations. To be an agroforestry farmer. », Revue EchoGéo, (Article submitted, under evaluation)
Bories O., 2020. From landscape to farmer. And lines of trees in the fields, La lettre de l'InSHS-CNRS n ° 67, p.28
Bories O., Fontorbes JP., Pibou E., 2020. “The use of film research in training. To take account of the sociogeographical realities in images and sounds ”. Blaise Pascal University Press (PUBP), Collection Sphère Éducative, (Article accepted for publication)
Bories O., 2019. “Making the landscape a 'character'. The advantages of the film method in the production of landscape images ”, Revue française des methods visuelles [Online], 3. URL: https://rfmv.fr
Bories O., Fontorbes JP., Granié AM., 2018. When agriculture takes height. Film in the vegetable garden on the roof of the Pasteur clinic in Toulouse. VertigO: La Revue Électronique en Sciences de l'Environnement, VertigO, 2018, Sustainable urban agriculture: a vector for ecological transition, Special issue (31), 〈10.4000 / vertigo.21398〉
Bories O., 2016. Film the artificialization of a peri-urban agricultural land: Observe and analyze the change in spatial use, the landscape transformation and the games of actors. Landscape projects: scientific journal on the design and development of space, National School of Landscape of Versailles, Landscapes of the urban fringes in project. https://www.projetsdepaysage.fr/filmer_l_artificialisation_d_une_terre_agricole_p_riurbaine_
His research films
Bories O., (in progress, planned for 2021): “Bergère du bitume” (in partnership with Bordeaux Métropole, GIP Grands Projets de Ville / Funded by Bordeaux Métropole, ENSFEA (CS), LISST DR) - https: // www.youtube.com/watch?v=YW0vKmFKcV8
Bories O., Fontorbes JP., 2019. “In the shade of the fields” (in partnership with Arbres et Paysages d'Autan, Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, ENSFEA (CS), LISST DR)
Bories O., Fontorbes JP., 2018. “Elevator for the vegetable garden” (in partnership with the Pasteur clinic, ENSFEA (CS), LISST DR)
Bories O., Cazenave JM., 2017. “Fields and houses” (in partnership with SICOVAL, ENSFEA (CS), LISST DR)
His communications (concerning his film activities)
Bories O., Fontorbes JP., Pibou E., November 2020 (postponed). In the shade of the fields. From landscape construction to film construction. International conference: Between audio-visual methodologies and film creation: posture and transdisciplinary contributions in SHS, Rennes, France.
Bories O., Fontorbes JP., Granié AM., July 2020 (postponed). Film writing. A research method for the dialogue between science and art. International conference: Creative research methods. Issues and practices, Bordeaux Montaigne University, Bordeaux, France.
Bories O., Fontorbes JP., Granié AM., June 2020 (postponed). Film writing: an innovative resource for training and informing. International conference Transitions 2020. Ecological transitions in transactions and actions. S4-2 Otherness as a driver of educational innovation, Toulouse Jean-Jaurès University, Toulouse, France.
Bories O., Fontorbes JP., Granié AM., April 2020 (postponed). Images and sounds to bring interdisciplinary dialogue to the screen. Study day: How to think about the dialogue between disciplines at the university? Crossroads and comparison of knowledge and practices in the human and social sciences, Psychoanalytic Clinical Pole of the subject and of the social link of the LCPI laboratory (UFR of Psychology), Toulouse Jean Jaurès University, Toulouse, France.
Bories O., Pibou E., Fontorbes JP., April 2019. The audiovisual document as a device for restoring research results: reflective study of a new teaching practice. International conference: Teaching non-specialists in the first two university cycles: the case of the arts, ESPE Clermont-Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Bories O., Désirée A., September 2019. Agroforestry, a question of landscape? Agroforestry landscapes put on the screen. RMT Agroforesterie discussion day: Let's cross the glances # 4, Paris, APCA, France.
Bories O., Pibou E., Fontorbes JP., Cazenave JM., Granié AM., May 2019. “In the shade of the fields”: An agroforestry landscapes research movie. 4th World Agroforestry Congress, CIRAD, INRA, Montpellier, France.
Bories O., Fontorbes JP., Granié AM., Cazenave JM., March 2018. When agriculture takes height and settles on a roof. Filming in the vegetable garden of the Pasteur clinic in Toulouse. : The film-research: "Elevator for the vegetable garden". International conference: The film in the practice of geography, Bordeaux Montaigne University, Bordeaux, France.
Bories O., June 2018. Filming to observe the landscape intention and its place in the collective debate: Can film writing contribute to the production of scientific discourse, while including in this discourse what has long been excluded? : emotion as a translation of the sensitive? Days of landscapes - 24 landscapes per second - From the field to the screen, what interactions between landscapes and cinema?, Ministry of ecological and solidarity transition, General Directorate of Planning, Housing and Nature, Montpellier, France.