Lila Neutre was born in 1989. This French artist was the first to have obtained a doctorate from the National School of Photography in Arles in partnership with Aix-Marseille University. His career has since been established within the art world as well as in higher education and academic spheres, at the crossroads of several disciplinary fields (contemporary art, photography, social sciences). Former coordinator of the 3rd cycle program at the National School of Photography (ENSP) in Arles, Lila is now a member of the teaching team of the Fashion Design department of the New School – Parsons Paris. During her thesis, she also taught art history at the University of Aix-Marseille and since then regularly intervenes in various institutions and research units within the framework of seminars or conferences related to research. -creation.
Alongside these educational and research activities, she leads an artistic career in the field of photography. Her work refers to fashion photography, popular cultures and questions the dialectical relationship between the photographer and the photographed. Lila Neutre is part of the first generation of artists in residence at Romainville, a program supported by the FIMINCO foundation. She leads a polymorphic research concerning the expression of masculinities in Seine-Saint-Denis.