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"Designed as both a method of investigation and restitution of research, the use of creation expresses the realities studied in a more visible, shared and accessible way than the written report.” 


Les Ateliers du Cirec

13 décembre 2024 

17h30 - 19h

from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.


54 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris

Violeta Ramirez , a film anthropologist, conducts surveys on energy sobriety and transition using an ethno-filmic approach. In this workshop, she proposes to question the specific contributions of this methodology combining ethnography (interviews and observations) and the audiovisual tool, with regard to the production of research data and the restitution to various audiences (including that of the respondents).

Here are some questions that will guide the session: What about ethno-filmic methodology and production choices when conducting research as a team? To what extent can we explain and share the different stages of the ethno-filmic approach? Are all fields suitable for this method?




Cirec is the winner of two calls for projects
from MSH Paris-Saclay!

The Cirec team has obtained two important supports from the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme in Paris-Saclay.
The 2024 Cirec workshops program is the winner of the “Seminar” call for projects.

The Intersection research-creation project   is the winner of the “Emergence” call .


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Live, free…

Conference by Ralf Marsault

November 22, 2024
from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
at the Heinrich Heine House in Paris

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AFS - RT47
Proposal for a call for papers
of the thematic network
Visual and filmic sociology

Find on the RT 47 page on the website of the French Sociology Association the call for papers from the thematic network "Visual and filmic sociology" for the association's congress which will take place in Toulouse from July 8 to 11.

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Cirec supports the podcast À l'écoute

Documentary series in 3 episodes directed by anthropologist Jeanne Teboul , broadcast and set to music by Jocelyn Robert and produced by Soukaïna Qabbal .

A sound dive into the consulting room of an iconoclastic psychiatrist, the documentary series invites us to listen to those we do not hear in order to question what is at stake in this intimate and political space of speaking about ourselves. How can we express our suffering – and how can we hear it?



Living in urban renewal: variations on the same theme.

an article by Emilie Balteau
in the magazine Espaces Temps

visual sociology | urban renewal | working classes | social housing


Cirec participates in the conference
Writing in film
human and social sciences

November 19, 20, 21, 2024
at the University of Toulouse - Jean Jaurès
Mirail Center for Artistic Initiatives (CIAM)
The Factory

See the conference program



Cirec supports the podcast
And they still don't know my name
by Keira Maameri

Listen to sociologist Marwan Mohammed
(On all possible platforms)

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Other precious words to discover, those of Bintou Dembele, of the researchers Maboula Soumahoro and Mame-Fatou Niang, of Naïma Yahi, etc.


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Number 7 of the
French Review of Visual Methods
is online

Creative methods:

The artistic part of social sciences

A number coordinated by CIREC



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A paper magazine supported by a team convinced that video games will be the major art of the 21st century.

"At a time when the question of our relationship with the living is crucially important to us, in this new issue we wanted to talk to you about our relationship with animality and the way in which it is represented in video games.

We look forward to introducing you to our new issue, “Animal Spirits.”

As always, for it to exist, we need your help. Immersion is a completely independent magazine, without private investors and without advertising."

Pre-order issue 8 now, treat yourself to our rewards or make a donation… Every euro counts to finance this issue


In pursuit of the genocidaires

Thomas Zribi // Damien Roudeau

The comic strip written by Thomas Zribi and drawn by Damien Roudeau, is intended to be a sounding board for this fight. There are hidden killers in France. Many killers. This one became a priest, this other a professor. He is a doctor, he changed his name and lives a peaceful retirement in the South... A hundred genocidaires are in fact still hidden in France, which helped the Habyarimana regime, trained soldiers and supplied weapons to the assassins during the genocide... elements recently highlighted by the Duclert report following the opening of the archives. In 22 years, only 5 trials have reached their conclusion.

past events


Cirec participates in the day
"publicizing psychiatry"

October 3, 2024
at the University of Lausanne - Switzerland

See the conference program



The workshop will be based on Violeta Ramirez's latest film, Transition Under Tension. An investigation into the opening of a lithium mine.

To get the link to the film and attend the screening, please contact us contact

Les Ateliers du Cirec

21 juin 2024

from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.


54 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris

Violeta Ramirez , a film anthropologist, conducts surveys on energy sobriety and transition using an ethno-filmic approach. In this workshop, she proposes to question the specific contributions of this methodology combining ethnography (interviews and observations) and the audiovisual tool, with regard to the production of research data and the restitution to various audiences (including that of the respondents).

Here are some questions that will guide the session: What about ethno-filmic methodology and production choices when conducting research as a team? To what extent can we explain and share the different stages of the ethno-filmic approach? Are all fields suitable for this method?

Alexandra Tilman will lead the discussion.

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Saturday June 15
at the Cube in Aix-en-Provence
from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.


Take part in a discussion around research-creation doctorates in France and internationally.
With :

Josephine Berry , lecturer and research director for doctorates through practice at the Royal College of Art (London)
- Stéphane Sauzedde , director of HEAR (Strasbourg) and in charge of research for Andéa
- Peter Sinclair , HDR sound artist and teacher at ESAAix

- Laurent Van Lancker , director and researcher in visual anthropology within the A*Midex chair of excellence (AMU)
- Katrien Vuylsteke Vanfleteren , head of research at KASK (Ghent)

the active participation of Quebec artist and researcher François-Joseph Lapointe (UQAM).

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The TIMMY association, which supports exiled minors, is participating in the international and traveling ART EXPLORA FESTIVAL festival, with the works of 3 young people who have crossed the Mediterranean, Sidy W ague, Aly C isse, Aboubacar K anté


Under the Azure is an exhibition that pays tribute to the Mediterranean Sea, to the imagination it evokes, to the fear it inspires, to the ancient and contemporary myths associated with it. Under the Azure is inspired by the evocative power of this unique sea, and the visions it gives rise to. In the form of a marine ballet, it recreates aquatic spaces and plunges visitors 20,000 leagues under the sea.

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June 18th

Old Port - Quay of Fraternity



Académie du Climat 

2 Place Baudoyer

75004 Paris

Screening of Violeta Ramirez's documentary film Transition under tension

Friday May 3 from 7 p.m.

The film Transition sous tension (2024, 52 minutes) directed by Violeta Ramirez is based on an anthropological investigation carried out in Allier on the subject of the possible opening of a lithium mine.

Échassières , in Allier: 400 inhabitants, a few businesses that are holding out and a subsoil rich in resources. After the exploitation of tungsten and kaolin, it is lithium that is now in the spotlight, with a mining project now at the stage of public debate .

For some, the extraction of this mineral, which is fundamental to electric mobility, will be the key to the region's demographic and economic survival, as well as an important step towards securing critical raw materials nationally. For others, intensive exploitation of the subsoil will mark a headlong rush generating major impacts on the environment, anachronistic at a time when planetary boundaries are being exceeded.

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Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès
Laboratoire LISST - CIAM - La fabrique

19 - 21 novembre 2024

Call for proposals for the conference
Writing SHS in film

Call closes on May 17

Le colloque « Écrire EN film les SHS » s’intéresse au film de science comme résultat d'un travail de recherche. Il souhaite permettre de discuter des choix filmiques opérés pour construire le regard du chercheure ou de la chercheuse, d'organiser la pensée visuelle, de structurer la mise à l’écran des savoirs scientifiques. Donner à discuter des fondements scientifiques de la réalisation, à la fois à travers ce que montrent/démontrent les images et les sons mais aussi à travers ce qu’ils disent de celles et ceux qui les produisent, renvoyant à la position et à la posture de recherche. 


Le colloque est aussi une invitation à ralentir et à défendre le temps lent dans la manifestation scientifique. Autrement dit, à donner du temps aux productions filmiques comme paroles de recherche. Sans extraits, en projetant l’entièreté des réalisations. Le colloque propose de retenir 9 communications sur 3 journées pour permettre de longs échanges collectifs.

The Images and Sounds Societies Seminar
gives carte blanche to CIREC

March 28, 2023

from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

at the University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès

House ofthe research

Room E411

The Georgics

by Celine Domangie,artist-researcher and

Charline Collard, teacher-researcher

We'll eat it, that's the least we can do

by Elsa Maury, Director - Visual artist

Chat with 

Pauline Guinard and Jean Estenabez, geographers

Reminder of upcoming sessions:

  • June 21, 2024 , the workshop of Violeta Ramirez , doctor in film anthropology (Paris Nanterre University)

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The Images and Sounds Societies Seminar
gives carte blanche to CIREC

March 28, 2023

from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

at the University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès

House ofthe research

Room E411

The Georgics

by Celine Domangie,artist-researcher and

Charline Collard, teacher-researcher

We'll eat it, that's the least we can do

by Elsa Maury, Director - Visual artist

Chat with 

Pauline Guinard and Jean Estenabez, geographers

Reminder of upcoming sessions:

  • April 25, 2024 at Turbulences - Marseille, the workshop around the current thesis of Guillaume Cuny and his film The Choice of Others followed by a screening-debate of the film Overseas (2019) by Sung-A Yoon .

  • June 21, 2024, the workshop of Violeta Ramirez , doctor in film anthropology (Paris Nanterre University)

The Images and Sounds Societies Seminar
gives carte blanche to CIREC

March 28, 2023

from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

at the University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès

House ofthe research

Room E411

The Georgics

by Celine Domangie,artist-researcher and

Charline Collard, teacher-researcher

We'll eat it, that's the least we can do

by Elsa Maury, Director - Visual artist

Chat with 

Pauline Guinard and Jean Estenabez, geographers

Reminder of upcoming sessions:

  • April 24, 2024 the workshop , co-built with the MucemLab, will take place in Marseille. Program to come.

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The Images and Sounds Societies Seminar
gives carte blanche to CIREC

Apart from the dossier, the journal always welcomes other themes in its Varia , Perspectives or Alternatives sections.

This issue 8, announced for spring 2025, will be published on OpenEdition Journals since the journal will migrate to this platform in 2024. In the meantime, the site remains operational!


The Cirec Workshops

January 22, 2024

from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.


54 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris

Thomas Tudoux will present his project "Méritocrates" produced in collaboration with sociologist Annabelle Allouch. He will present the animated film "Le mérite c'est moi" (10 mins), the result of a research-creation residency at ISFEC in Rennes.

Lila Neutre will be his privileged reader and discussant.

Please contact us to attend the session.

at the Cultures – Arts – Societies Research Center


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Poster 5-6 Oct.jpg

Organized by Magali Uhl, the study day Creative Methods in Human and Social Sciences will be held on Friday, October 6, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., in the presence of international guests and several members of CELAT. The study day will be preceded, on Thursday, October 5, by a cocktail party and an exhibition. Both activities will take place on the premises of CELAT-UQAM (DC-2300).

Welcome everyone!

Chris, San Francisco 1999, Diptych right panel, 30 x 40 cm, Silver Gelatin Print.jpeg

Find Cirec at the Congress of

French Sociology Association

With the Thematic Network 47

Visual and Filmic Sociology

July 3, 2023 at the University of Lyon

To present the work to Cirec members

Olivia Gay

Ralf Marsault

Neutral Lila

Celine Segalini

Helen Tilman


Find the Cirec at the Mucem for the Alternative Writing in Social Sciences Exhibition -FOCUS

Thursday, June 15, 2023 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Forum – J4

Review time – Tempo #1

With the French Review of Visual Methods

To present issue 7, to be published soon

The Cirec Workshops

June 05, 2023

from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.


Nayra Prieto will present her project Son'Andes .

A sound documentary series set in the Andes mountain range between Colombia and Argentina.

Please contact us to attend the session and obtain the zoom link .

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The Cirec Workshops

May 31, 2023

de 17h30 à 19h


54 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris

et en ligne


Emmanuelle Corne présentera son travail de photographique et sonore sur les disparus du Mexique Mexican Ghosts.

Merci de nous contacter pour assister à la séance et obtenir le lien zoom

Rappel de la prochaine séance: 

5 juin 2023 Nayra Prieto, documentariste sonore

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The Cirec Workshops

May 15, 2023

de 17h30 à 19h


54 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris

et en ligne


Juliette Porte présentera son travail en cours "Des arbres en agriculture, du changement climatique au changement social". Juliette aborde le sujet de l'agroforesterie en sociologie en utilisant des planches où se mêlent bédé et photographie.


Olivier Bories et Damien Roudeau seront ses lecteurs privilégiés et discutants

Merci de nous contacter pour assister à la séance. 

Rappel des prochaines séances: 

31 mai 2023 Emmanuelle Corne, photographe reporter

5 juin 2023 Nayra Prieto, documentariste sonore

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