The work carried out within CIREC deal with the “social present time” and the major current issues in fields as varied as that of health, housing, environment and even education.
Research-creations which study social worlds, focuses on individual singularity, the sensitive and political discourse of individuals, the traces of stories and history left on landscapes, bodies or buildings, daily life, between individual paths and social movements, negotiation, resignation, revolt and inventiveness.
At the same time, CIREC actively participates in the development of international analyzes on the epistemological and methodological issues that research-creation conveys.
The organization of urban agriculture in the context of development
Here time stands still
Hélène Tilman, France, Belgium
In progress /art Installation
Multi-media installation backed by academic research in Art and Art Sciences (ED20, Belgium). Texts, photographs, film and sound creation (produced in collaboration with Alexandra Tilman reproduce in a complex and sensitive way the daily life of a psychiatric hospital located in a rural French area.
Emilie Balteau

© Anouk Sugàr and Magali Uhl
The organization of urban agriculture in the context of development
Here time stands still
Hélène Tilman, France, Belgium
In progress /art Installation
Multi-media installation backed by academic research in Art and Art Sciences (ED20, Belgium). Texts, photographs, film and sound creation (produced in collaboration with Alexandra Tilman reproduce in a complex and sensitive way the daily life of a psychiatric hospital located in a rural French area.
Emilie Balteau

Here time stands still
Hélène Tilman, France, Belgium
In progress /art Installation
Multi-media installation backed by academic research in Art and Art Sciences (ED20, Belgium). Texts, photographs, film and sound creation (produced in collaboration with Alexandra Tilman reproduce in a complex and sensitive way the daily life of a psychiatric hospital located in a rural French area.

15, rue du Château 75001 Paris, France
Bonjour, bonsoir
Émilie Balteau
Documentary/ France/2017/53'
How does urban renewal affect the lives of residents of low-cost housing estates? This documentary film backed by a sociological survey gives to see and hear the contrasting experiences of the inhabitants and their ambivalent relationships with the transformation of their living environment.
Alexandra Tilman
Le Havre, a working and maritime town, is now affected by deindustrialization. Rave parties reinvest clandestinely places abandoned by the production.
A Research film in visual and filmic sociology at the Pierre Naville Center, UEVE Paris-Saclay.
Produced with the support of SCAM and the Aid for Innovative Research of UEVE.

Interventions and expertise
Aware of the importance of image education and the need for raising awareness on risks bound to the social networks and new technologies, CIREC's ambition is to conduct research-actions with diverse audiences, by mobilizing interactive and innovative working methods.
Professional and academic experience in the field of social sciences, documentary cinema and art of the team, leads its members to be regularly called upon by companies, associations as well as local authorities in order to carry out expertises and organize artistic events dealing with contemporary social issues (health, housing, work, education, etc.).
Shades workshops, supervised by Helen Tilman and Zephyr Serehen, take place since 2014 in areas dedicated to young people experiencing academic or social difficulties: special support classes, training centers, social care homes for young girls. Photography, writing, dialogue, game and art are used as tools to reflect on oneself, to think about one's image. The workshops end with an exhibition in a cultural place and the production of a book which presents the work accomplished to the public.
Workshops funded by the French Red Cross, the City of Paris, the ARS Ile de France.

Analysis on work and interaction at the French Handball Federation.
A work (animation of workshops, realization and transcription of interviews, summaries) carried out by the team composed of Alexandra Tilman, Mélissa Ethève, Mouloud Chajia and Guillaume Cuny and coordinated by Dominique Glaymann.
Opening of the cycle “Question de société” by Emilie Balteau and Jean-Yves Authier, around urban sociology.
Screening of the film Bonjour, bonsoir (2017) and debate.
Théâtre de la Petite Rue in Villeurbanne, Oct. 2020.