Florent Gaudez
Socio-anthropologist. Professor in Sociology at the University of Grenoble Alpes, France.
Researcher at the Litt & Arts Laboratory (Arts & Practices of Text, Image, Screen & Stage) - UMR CNRS 5316.
Member of the ISA ( Imaginary & Socio-Anthropology ) research center
Member of the research axis Expériences de la création
Coordinator of the seminar Imaginaire & Société : Émotion, Perception, Créativité
Scientific manager of the JCSA international network (Young Researchers in Socio-anthropology)
Responsible for the Master CISA (Comparatism, Imagination & Socio-Anthropology).
Director of publication of the International Journal of Sociologie de l’Art- OPuS .
Director of the Littératures et société & of the SocioAnthropo-Logiques series in the Logiques sociales collection, from the L'Harmattan publishing house.
At the link between the sociology of art and the sociology of knowledge, he takes part of a socio-anthropological practice mobilizing concepts and tools widely borrowed from various social sciences, applied to various objects such as processes of cognition. , creation and mediation, in literature, arts, and sciences, in the construction and reception of works (production-form-reception).