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Launch of the ICCARE PEPR

Wednesday June 19 from 3 p.m.

Porté par le CNRS, le programme et équipement prioritaire de recherche (PEPR) "ICCARE – Industries culturelles et créatives : action, recherche expérimentation", est co-dirigé par Solveig Serre, historienne et musicologue, directrice de recherche au CNRS et David Coeurjolly, directeur de recherche en informatique graphique et géométrie au CNRS.
Lila Neutre est nommée facilitatrice pour le secteur des arts visuels et numériques. Il s’intéresse à une pluralité de formes de création, de la photographie aux installations, des créations numériques immersives aux arts graphiques, de la performance à la vidéo. L'objectif est de structurer la recherche dans ces domaines, en renforçant les liens entre les acteur.ices de la recherche (dans une logique d’interdisciplinarité entre sciences humaines et sociales, sciences informatiques)  et les acteur.ices des mondes artistiques et culturels, en créant un réseau de professionnel.lles et d’expert.tes impliqué.es dans une dynamique de travail partagée.
L’accent sera mis sur l’expérimentation, la recherche-création et la réception et participation des publics.

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Round table around the order

Thursday June 6 from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

The Parliament of Photography is a space for exchange and dialogue between all the players in the world of photography.

A place for exchange and dialogue between actors and actresses in the world of photography from the heritage, creation and photojournalism sectors, the Parliament of Photography takes place in a hybrid form facilitating accessibility to the event: two days of meetings in person and online from the Palais de Tokyo.

Lila Neutral is   invited by Pascal Beausse to present her work Twerk Nation during the round table on the Performance commission. The opportunity to return to the issues discussed in the framework of the Cirec "off-site" workshop which was held in April at the Mucem.


Climate Academy

2 Place Baudoyer

75004 Paris

Screening of Violeta Ramirez's documentary film Transition under tension

Friday May 3 from 7 p.m.

Le film Transition sous tension (2024, 52 minutes) réalisé par Violeta Ramirez est issu d'une enquête anthropologique menée dans l'Allier au sujet de la possible ouverture d'une mine de lithium.


Échassières, dans l’Allier : 400 habitants, quelques commerces qui résistent et un sous-sol riche en ressources. Après l’exploitation du tungstène et du kaolin, c’est le lithium qui est aujourd’hui sous le feu des projecteurs, avec un projet de mine aujourd’hui au stade du débat public.

Pour certain·es, l’extraction de ce minerai fondamental pour la mobilité électrique sera la clé de la survie démographique et économique de la région, ainsi qu’un pas important pour la sécurisation nationale des matières premières critiques. Pour d’autres, l’exploitation intensive du sous-sol marquera une fuite en avant génératrice d’impacts majeurs pour l’environnement, anachronique à l’heure du dépassement des limites planétaires.

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Toulouse Jean Jaurès University
LISST Laboratory - CIAM - The factory

November 19 - 21, 2024

Call for proposals for the conference
Writing SHS in film

Call closes on May 17

The conference "Writing SHS on film" focuses on science films as the result of research work. It aims to provide an opportunity to discuss the film choices made to construct the researcher's perspective, to organize visual thinking, to structure the presentation of scientific knowledge on screen. To provide an opportunity to discuss the scientific foundations of filmmaking, both through what the images and sounds show/demonstrate, but also through what they say about those who produce them, referring to the research position and posture.

The conference is also an invitation to slow down and defend slow time in scientific events. In other words, to give time to film productions as words of research. Without excerpts, by screening the entirety of the productions. The conference proposes to retain 9 communications over 3 days to allow for long collective exchanges.


MRAC Occitanie
146 beach avenue
34410 Sérignan

L'exposition Performance labellisée Olympiade culturelle par le Comité d’organisation des Jeux olympiques et paralympiques Paris 2024 

Since the earliest times in the history of photography and technological images, a multitude of experiments have been conducted to depict the intelligence of the body in action, in the context of sporting events but also beyond competitions, at the heart of life and in the sometimes invisible margins of society. In keeping with its major questions and its policy of photographic commissions, the Centre national des arts plastiques (CNAP) is launching Performance in 2024.

The restitution of this national order takes the form of a first exhibition where sport is approached as a game and a place of relationship, negotiation and dialogue between beings. Lila Neutre presents for the first time the Twerk Nation project which questions the uses and codes surrounding the practice of twerking.

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Directed by Emilie Balteau as part of a postdoctoral fellowship at the Chaire Aménagement le Grand Paris at the Ecole d'Urbanisme de Paris, under the scientific direction of Taoufik Souami (Univ. Eiffel – LATTS) and Ana Torres (UPEC-Lab'Urba). A second episode is in preparation.


A research documentary series
behind the scenes of urban agriculture in the development project

"The developer and the farmer" is a documentary series on urban agriculture in urban development. The first part of this series, "l'Envol" goes behind the scenes of the project to create the Ferme de l'Envol, 70 ha, in the context of the reconversion of Base 217, on the territory of Cœur Essonne Agglomération, 30km south of Paris. The film follows the actors: the developer, the three farmers, the farm workers, the restaurateur, the project manager, the head of the AMAP... All try, in the middle of a 300 ha development project, to organize the farm to meet the challenges of ecological transition, maintaining social ties, and economic balance. We discover the multiple facets of this concrete organization with hands in the earth and fingers on the keyboard.

Descartes City, Welcome Building
Welcome Amphitheater (Plot A)
14-20 Boulevard Newton Champs-sur-Marne
RER A Noisy-Champs)

at the Cultures – Arts – Societies Research Center


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Affiche 5-6 oct.jpg

Organized by Magali Uhl, the study day Creative Methods in Human and Social Sciences will be held on Friday, October 6, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., in the presence of international guests and several members of CELAT. The study day will be preceded, on Thursday, October 5, by a cocktail party and an exhibition. Both activities will take place on the premises of CELAT-UQAM (DC-2300).

Welcome everyone!

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In progress... A research-creation project on the representations of disability in French-speaking Switzerland 

HandiRTSArchivesandOn the way to inclusionconstitute two parts of a research and creation program consisting of texts, a film and an internet platform). This project is part of participatory and creative approaches that open the scientific enterprise to reflexivity and dialogue in order to participate in a better knowledge of the issues concerning disability, a knowledge that wants to be itself built and restored with the people concerned.

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Number 7 of the
French Review of Visual Methods
is online

Creative methods:

The artistic part of social sciences

A number coordinated by CIREC


Find the Cirec at the Mucem for the Alternative Writing in Social Sciences Exhibition -FOCUS

Thursday, June 15 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Forum – J4

Review time – Tempo #1

With the French Review of Visual Methods

To present issue 7, to be published soon

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CIREC joins forces with RT 47 for two days of AFS inter-congress

Find itCirecfor a

International Social Research Workshop

with the pictures.

January 24 and 25 à ​Grenoble

within the framework of

  Inter-Congress Days AFS of RT47

Welcomed by laboratory colleaguesLitt&Arts (Arts & Practices of Text, Image, Screen & Stage)

and with the group Margin images from the University of Lausanne (ISSUL/SSP)

and the Animated Images Seminar (AIS, Lyon, Max Weber Center)

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Chris, San Francisco 1999, Diptych right panel, 30 x 40 cm, Silver Gelatin Print.jpeg

Find Cirec at the Congress of

French Sociology Association

With the Thematic Network 47

Visual and Filmic Sociology

July 3, 2023 at the University of Lyon

To present the work to Cirec members

Olivia Gay

Ralf Marsault

Neutral Lila

Celine Segalini

Helen Tilman

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Alexandra Tilman is a member of the jury of the


The prize will be awarded by a jury made up of academics and professionals from the audiovisual sector 

December 16, 2021 at the Marco Biagi Foundation


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The Narrative Sociology Workshop
meet the CIREC

The narrative sociology workshop welcomes texts, voices, images, sounds..., whose authors do not need any title to tell. 

At the University of Rennes, he also welcomes members of CIREC for an autumn meeting

October 4, 2022

5-7 p.m.

University of Rennes, N323

Birth of the Working Group
Research and creation (GT31, AISLF)

Following the Tunis 2021 congress, the emerging working group GTE11 created by CIREC members becomes GT31

Audiovisual inter-network day in the ESR

organized by the network of audio-visual platforms

of the National Network ofHouses of Human Sciences




ANSTIA, Vincent Drouot

CIREC, Emilie Balteau

FOCUS, Inès Secondat of Montesquieu

FRESHS, Benoit Raoulx

Normandy Pictures, Jean-Marie Vinclair

RUSHS, Celine Ferlita

MSH NANTESfor theirNew Scriptures network, Veronique Cohoner


International Visual Sociology Association

The IVSA is pleased to administer both the Rieger Award Program for outstanding work by graduate students in visual sociology and a newly
established Prosser Award Program for outstanding work by beginning
scholars in visual methodologies.

Visit the IVSA dedicated page: 

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Sociologist and sensitive

Writing sociology in pictures

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Émilie Balteau in

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

French Journal of Visual Methods

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

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The magazine of humanities and social sciences

Social Worlds 

diffuse Hello good night 

a medium-length documentary which constitutes one of the two parts of the sociology thesis
Emilie Balteau

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